

The interpolation modifier scales the input value to a range of new output values. It is useful when the range of values from the simulator does not match the range of values expected by the output device.

Each row defines a point on the scale for interpolation. The input value is mapped to the output value for each row, and values in between rows are scaled linearly. Additional interpolation points can be added using the Add button.

In the following screenshot, input values from 0–100 are scaled linearly to an output range of 0–1204.


The interpolation modifier can also reverse the direction of a value. For example, if the first interpolation is 0 and 1024, and the second interpolation is 100 and 0, the output value will be scaled linearly to an output range of 1024–0.

Screenshot of an output configuration with the Modify tab selected and an interpolation modifier in edit mode.