Settings reference

Settings reference

Modules dialog

Screenshot of the Modules dialog with the stepper motor configuration showing.
Setting Description
Pin 1 The board pin connected to pin 1 on the stepper motor. All digital and analog pins are supported.
Pin 2 The board pin connected to pin 2 on the stepper motor. All digital and analog pins are supported.
Pin 3 The board pin connected to pin 3 on the stepper motor. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is not used with Easy Driver boards.
Pin 4 The board pin connected to pin 4 on the stepper motor. All digital and analog pins are supported. This pin is not used with Easy Driver boards.
Auto Zero Input - None When checked, disables automatically setting the motor zero position based on a pin input.
Auto Zero Input - Pin The board pin connected to a switch that, when closed, indicates the motor is at the zero position.
Name The name for the stepper motor. Displayed in the output configuration dialog to identify the device when mapping the simulator output.
Select a preset The preset for the type of driver connected to the motor.
Mode The type of driver mode used.
Backlash value The number of steps to apply to compensate for backlash in the stepper motor.
Disable stepper when at target position When checked, turns off power to the stepper motor once it reaches the target position.

Output display configuration

Screenshot of the Display tab with the stepper output type selected.
Setting Description
Stepper Selects the stepper motor to display the value on.
Display scale The number of steps for the value from the simulator to complete a full revolution of the shaft. For example, a compass heading in degrees has 360 steps.
Compass Mode - Enabled When checked, ensures the motor takes the shortest path to the new value when crossing the 0/360 degree boundary.
Full revolution The number of steps required to make a 360-degree revolution of the shaft.
Max speed The maximum number of steps per second to move the stepper motor.
Acceleration The acceleration in steps per second, per second, to reach the Max speed.
Move Steps The number of steps to move the motor when clicking the Move button when setting the stepper zero position.
Move When clicked, moves the stepper motor by the number of steps specified by Move Steps.
Set Zero When clicked, sets the zero position of the stepper motor to the current shaft position.